Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Good Communication That Blocks Learning

Chris Argyris article reminds me of “Preserve the core/Change everything else” of Jim Collins. The article is about to instill a culture of discomfort. People should have the drive to move. The harmony in an organization is like “thermal death of the universe”: everything is stopped; no molecule or atom is moving. The harmony is the biggest enemy of an effective organization.

I am applying it everyday. In my organization, I maintain a certain degree of conflict. I encourage people to question each and every “sacred cow”. I encourage them to challenge every proposal and every decision including my own. Everybody knows he must fight for his ideas. Of course, the degree of conflict must be controlled. Personal attacks are strictly forbidden.

“Esprit du corps” must balance this perpetual conflict state. Everybody must feel like belonging to an elite organization, must be very proud of being part of the organization.

I know it is a difficult balancing act but is the only way I found to create an agile and alert organization.


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