Friday, July 28, 2006

Romania, managers, mobile phones and urgent problems

The new technologies allow you to remain connected wherever you are. You can talk on the phone, check your email or access your files.

Welcome to the world of 24 hours shifts!

We are like a child discovering a new toy. Mobile and laptop became status symbols. We like to impress with them. They are “cool”.

Always connected we begin to think everything can be solved “now”. And from “can” to “must”, there is only one step.

Everything must be solved now, everything is urgent. We lost the sight of another dimension: “importance”. Slowly, we begin to solve only what is urgent, forgetting about what is important.

We think that the higher the rank a person has in the company, the higher the mobile phone bill must be. This means solving as many urgent problems as possible.


The higher the rank, the less mobile phone usage. This means solving more important, strategic issues.

If a manager must solve by himself all the urgent problems, what’s the team for? And when he can find the time for strategic issues?

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